These are our standard colors. We can produce non-standard colors, please contact us for details. Black and White are also available. You can also specify any color (provide color name, manufacturer and PMS number) and we will match very close, for some modest additional charge. 

These colors are approximate only, and actual colors will be different in intensity and shade. This is due to the limitations of the computer screen you are viewing and when in the pool. In the empty pool, the internal reflections will intensify the colors. When the pool is full, it will reflect the colors of the sky, turning even dark greys to a blue color.

To gain an idea of how a color looks in real life, click over the color square, and it will take you to pools painted in that color

Colour Selection

  • When selecting a colour for your pool, there is quite a range. However, some guidelines may assist you in gaining the right colour:
  • You may like it to blend in or contrast with colours around your pool, such as a tile line, pavers, vegetation. See the Project Gallery to give you some ideas.
  • A considerable amount of “colour” comes from the sky….so white becomes blue, pale jade becomes a tropical blue etc.
  • Darker colours mean warmer water, and so can extend swimming season in the north, yet may prove too hot to cool you down when you need it most. All dark colours we supply in fluoropolymer option only.
  •  Fluoropolymers not known to fade or change its finish for being exposed in the water. However Hi Build EPOXY, being a functional coating mainly designed to protect your pool shell from chemicals like with all epoxies they will chalk slowly over time and may take on a slight yellow tinge. We strongly recommend epoxies in light colours only. 
  • Salt water pools (and some chlorine pools) will leave a white residue on the surface. This is mainly dissolved “salts” in the water, much like after you have been swimming is the sea and have a white crust on your skin. It’s not detrimental to our paints,  however will show up more on darker colours. You can wipe pool surfaces to remove, however in a splash zone can be quite noticeable, and thus a lighter colour should be selected.

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